Florian Beigel


Florian Beigel in partnership with Philip Christou practice, teach and research architecture. Florian Beigel is the director of the Architecture Research Unit (ARU) a design laboratory for design as research building architectural prototypes at the small and large scales. He is Professor of Architecture and a Diploma Unit Tutor in Architecture at the London Metropolitan University. He was awarded the RIBA Tutor Prize in 2002.

Florian Beigel received a Master of Science at University College, London in 1969, after graduating as Diplom Ingenieur (Architecture) at University of Stuttgart in 1968. He was an architectural assistant to Prof. Rolf Gutbrod in Stuttgart and Arup Associates in London, and worked as a research assistant with Jürgen Joedicke and Günter Behnisch, in conjunction with Frei Otto on the Munich Olympic structures. Since 1970 he has been an architect in private practice in London.